Sunday, February 27, 2011


他背着一个黑色sling bag, 拿着如常的水瓶还有一个红白色的手机。

我看见了King Kong 和冰淇淋。
King Kong 不认得我。



Second month in school (续集)

Nicknames (续集)
Gajah/大象/河马/长毛象 = Langkawi
冰淇淋 = A boy who looks like my 大姑的小儿子

Computer Class
题目是。。。。KCY (班长的朋友)

射又射不准,射到 TZY 和NJH 的头发。
放弃了,去射 KCY 。
KCY : “ 哪一只狗射的?”

Lakonan Sejarah
题目:Peralatan dan Kepercayaan Zaman Neolitik
演 peralatan 时,全部人好像乞丐一样,用手扮碗,走来走去。
演 kepercayaan 时,LWX 倒下去扮死人,其他人就拜他。
LWX 再次躺下去。
LWX : “ 喂,你干吗?!”

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Second month in school

Lets talk about my class first.....
The monitor gave nicknames to some people.......
阿干/阿敢  = A boy who acts like a girl and says he is a girl ( his surname is Gan, so they call him 阿干)
阿吊/阿刁 = A girl who will buli the boys when the boys buli her ( her surname is Teoh, sounds like 吊)
And my friend, 芯, said they are a nice pair.
If you are in my class, you know what it means.
Langkawi/Elephant/Hippo = A girl which is not very big size buy they say she is big size.
King Kong = A big size boy who likes to say bad words. ( 手上有一本“泡妞秘籍”)
There is a boy beside the moniter.
His nickname is 智商零, which means no IQ. ( his nickname is the terbalik of his name)
He is really no IQ.
He will always ask some stupid questions.
He always borrow books from other people. ( to copy answers )

Note: We had changed places and the moniter is not sitting infront of me.
English Period in My Class
We have a competition on guessing food names.
The moniter's group have the least marks. ( that means they are losing )
The moniter ran to the other group, which is next to my group.
So, to 报仇, 我开始用塑胶圈和一些纸张射班长 loh.
My friend also do that.
班长very angry, he 瞪住我们.
We still continue.
I know he won't buli girls.

One day, the 班长 wants to go toilet.
He drinks a lot of water first.
When he wants to go and ask the teacher, the 阿干 went and ask the teacher first.
So, 班长和阿干抢着去厕所, 笑死人了 .

Somebody said that there will be a spotcheck.
Highlighter and marker pen is not allowed to take to school.
So, LWX throw the highlighters on top the cabinet.
CCY put the marker pen inside the Tang Long decoration.
虚惊一场,there is no spotcheck at all.
CCY cannot take out the marker pen already.
Hah, padan muka, 活该呀!!!!!

The LWX steped my friend's shoe one day.
LWX told CCY : “ 其实我得罪她很多次了,都是不小心的。”
The 她 is my friend.

Valentine's Day
On the Valentine's Day, 发生了一件很轰动学校的事.
A girl in first class received a present from a third class boy.
The card says "I Love You".
That is definitely not me, I am in the second class.
I know this thing because I have a friend in first class and a friend in third class.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Read this if you understand BM

Murid : Selamat sejahtera cikgu!

Cikgu : Sama-sama, duduk! Dengar sini baik-baik. Hari ini cikgu nak uji kamu semua tentang perkataan berlawan. Bila cikgu sebutkan perkataannya, kamu semua mesti menjawab dengan cepat, lawan bagi perkataan-perkataan itu, faham?

Murid : Faham, cikgu!

Cikgu : Saya tak mahu ada apa-apa gangguan.

Murid : (senyap)

Cikgu : Pandai!

Murid : Bodoh!

Cikgu : Tinggi!

Murid : Rendah!

Cikgu : Jauh!

Murid : Dekat!

Cikgu : Keadilan!

Murid : UMNO!

Cikgu : Salah!

Murid : Betul!

Cikgu : Bodoh!

Murid : Pandai!

Cikgu : Bukan!

Murid : Ya!

Cikgu : Oh Tuhan!

Murid : Oh Hamba!

Cikgu : Dengar ini!

Murid : Dengar itu!

Cikgu : Diam!

Murid : Bising!

Cikgu : Itu bukan pertanyaan, bodoh!

Murid : Ini ialah jawapan, pandai!

Cikgu : Mati aku!

Murid : Hidup kami!

Cikgu : Rotan baru tau!

Murid : Akar lama tak tau!

Cikgu : Malas aku ajar kamu!

Murid : Rajin kami belajar cikgu!

Cikgu : Kamu gila!

Murid : Kami siuman!

Cikgu : Cukup! Cukup!

Murid : Kurang! Kurang!

Cikgu : Sudah! Sudah!

Murid : Belum! Belum!

Cikgu : Mengapa kamu semua bodoh sangat?

Murid : Sebab saya seorang pandai!

Cikgu : Oh! Melawan!

Murid : Oh! Mengalah!

Cikgu : Kurang ajar!

Murid : Cukup ajar!

Cikgu : Habis aku!

Murid : Kekal kami!

Cikgu : O.K. Pelajaran sudah habis!

Murid : K.O. Pelajaran belum bermula!

Cikgu : Sudah, bodoh!

Murid : Belum, pandai!

Cikgu : Berdiri!

Murid : Duduk!

Cikgu : Saya kata UMNO salah!

Murid : Kami dengar KeADILan betul!

Cikgu : Bangang kamu ni!

Murid : Cerdik kami tu!

Cikgu : Rosak!

Murid : Baik!

Cikgu : Kamu semua ditahan tengah hari ini!

Murid : Dilepaskan tengah malam itu!

Cikgu : (Senyap dan mengambil buku-bukunya keluar.)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Hong Kong Trip

This Chinese New Year, I went to Hong Kong, Shen Zhen, Zhu Hai and Macau.

1st Day
We reached LCCT at 10am amd reached Hong Kong at 5.10pm. After we met with the tour guide, we had dinner. Then, we went to Mdm Tussauds (杜莎蜡像馆)and Mongkok Ladies Market(旺角女人街). Then we checked in L'Hotel(如心海景). We slept at 2am.

2nd Day
We had dim sum for breakfast. After that, we went to Avenue of Stars(星光大道) and Golden Bauhinia Square(金紫荆广场). We passed by Aberdeen Treasures Hai Xian Fang(珍宝海鲜舫) and Wong Tai Sin Temple(黄大仙庙). Then we went to a Jewelry and Herbal Shop. After lunch, we went to Shen Zhen. Reached there at 5.40pm. Later, we check in Holiday Inn Hotel after dinner.

3rd Day
We had breakfast at the hotel. Then, we went to the 世界之窗. After lunch, we went to a Herbal Shop. After that, we went to 锦绣中华 and watch shows there. We went back to the hotel at 9.30pm.

4th Day
After breakfast, we went to Zhu Hai Lover's Road to visit Fishing Girl Statue(渔女像). We passed by 广东番禺, which is my grandmother's kampung. After lunch, we went to Macau via Gongbei Port (拱北口岸). Then, we visited 妈阁庙 and Ruins of St. Paul's (大三巴). We passed by 观音像 and Fishermanswharf (渔人码头). After dinner, we went to visit the Venetian Casino (威尼斯赌场). Then, we went to City of Dreams-The Bubble(新濠天地天幕), to watch a show called 龙腾. After that, we checked in hotel.

5th Day
After breakfast, 自由活动. We went to 大三巴 again. First, we ride a bus to 港澳码头,from there we take a taxi to 大三巴. Along the road down the hill, there are many deliciacy shops selling biscuits such as 钜记and 咀香园. There are four 钜记shops there! So, we went to every shop and 试吃, and we did not eat lunch that day. We also bought some biscuits from 钜记. Then we went back to the hotel. My 表哥 very hungry, so he ate a plate of 扬州炒饭, one piece of toasted bread and a 猪扒面包. And he said he could still eat more. We went to the airport by bus. When we are going to reach Malaysia, I saw many lights and stars. We went back home by car.

Note: Reached M'sia at 1:50 am and I am schooling that day. Imagine how long I slept cause I still need to do some homework.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Now, I like to share some stories I read in teacher's blog, I don't know why
This is what I read in a teacher's blog, again



明天,我就要退休了。做了整整三十五年的中學老師,我可以說這一輩子過得非常充實,非常有意義。 我到現在還記得我開始做中學老師的那一年。我一畢業,就進入一所明星中學教數學,學生因為是精挑細選出來的,很少功課不好,教起來當然是得心應手,輕鬆得很。隨便我怎麼出題目,都考不倒他們。

可是,我忽然注意到班上有一位同學上課似乎非常心不在焉,老是對著天花板發呆。期中考,他的數學只得了十五分,太奇怪了,全 班就只有他不及格。而且分數如此之差。



這位學生一開始還不大願意接受我做他的義務家教,可是由於我 的堅持,他只好晚上乖乖地在我的督導下做習題。我發現他其實不笨,只是對數學反應慢了一點,每週替他補習兩次以後,他終於趕上了進度,考得愈來愈好。兩個月以後,我就不管他了。這位學生以後就和我很親密了,當時我們夫妻兩人沒有小孩,我太太知道這孩子沒有父母以後,就找他來吃飯,他有什麼事情,一定會來找我商量,包括一些生涯規畫的問題。他考大學也算順利,去成功嶺前還來向我們辭行,可是第三天,我收到一封他的信,信的內容令我吃了一驚。




師母第一次請我去吃晚飯,正好寒流過境,我故意沒有穿夾克。師母一看到我衣服單薄,立刻押著我去附近的冬衣地攤,替我選了一 件厚夾克,我知道你們做老師的薪水並不高,還對我這麼好,我知道我找到爸爸媽媽了。

我從此以後將你當做我的爸爸,有什麼事,我都會問你,你也都會給我建議,我也偷偷地學你的為人處事。你對人誠懇,我也因此儘量對人誠懇,這些都是你所不知道的事。我要在此請你原諒我,我當 年騙你,實在是迫不得已,我的確需要一個好爸爸,難得你對我關懷,我從此凡事都有人可以商量。由於你在我功課不好的時候沒有放棄我,你是我一生中對我影響最大的人。祝 教安 騙你的學生 張某某上。


